Green Light Literary is a full-service literary agency, connecting writers to publishers and other content-related channels.

Who We Are

Respecting literary tradition in a modern marketing space


Green Light collaborates with a diverse list of authors to help them achieve their professional goals through every step of the publishing process.


Green Light proudly acknowledges the traditional literary landscape while simultaneously moving beyond it by promoting an author’s content through all current revenue channels.

Green Light Services


representation & Management

Contracts, subsidiary and other rights


Content, line edits and proofreading


Brainstorm, proposal and publish


Brand development / Management

Market perception, brand strategy and content creation

Media Platforms

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more


Event marketing, pop-up shops and immersive experiences

Why Green Light Literary?

Writers need trustworthy advocates to help them reach their publishing goals.  Green Light can help with the multifarious ways in which their content can be disseminated. We understand how to highlight individual titles in a competitive marketplace and coach writers to best serve their vision.

Green Light maintains a keen awareness of the marketplace conditions in the fast-changing industry and communicates trends to each author.  In addition, Green Light deals with the business of publishing; negotiating book contracts, selling subsidiary rights, promoting the author and increasing brand visibility.